Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Travel experience

Snowstorm in Utah!

14th December 2015 My travel experience! 

Before I go to the MTC (Missionary Training Center) Provo let me tell you what happened.
Starting at the airport: It was extremely foggy in Paris so the pilot announced that we`ll be having a delay. my connection flight was departing at 10:20 am I thought I had plenty of time to catch it. The guy next to me asked the flight attendant: when will we be arriving in Paris? The answer was 10 am, so he turned to me and said: we´ll make our connecting flights. His next flight was 10 minutes before mine. However as we landed he had 1 minute left and I had 10.

 I was getting a bit stressed by now cuz I had no idea which gate my next flight was departing from! As soon as we landed I grabbed my stuff and started running as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast. There were so many people who had a connecting flights, I was being pushed and people were just plain rude. Eventually my airplane buddy passed me and waved goodbye. Finally found a Info screen and I noticed that my flight was boarding and it was final call! I had to hop on a train to take me to the next gate in another terminal...again being pushed and I barely made it out of the train! Just barely made it to the aircraft where I think I was the one of the last passengers to board!

Flight to Salt Lake City was alright, had an aisle seat, only annoying thing of such a seat is...everyone who walks by...seemed to touch me...obviously not on purpose.
I did enjoy this flight a lot more though. So many LDS (Latter Day Saints) members on board, the guy next to me served 2 years in Korea. He was extremely nice to me and took me to the baggage claim (my luggage did not arrive it ended up in Atlanta) Not long after that I saw my Mom! So here we are in snowy, blizzard Utah!

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